Thomas A. Alspaugh
Ringing Chart Examples in SVG

Here are charts of some common methods rung in my home tower by the non-expert ringers. Each chart shows a pattern of sequences of bells ringing. Each row in the chart shows the sequence in which the bells ring one stroke. The bells ring in the sequence of the first row, then the next row, and so on until the end of the chart when the pattern repeats.

The charts were automatically generated by a perl script I wrote, which you are free to use.

The patterns begin from rounds (bells in numerical sequence), and repeat at the end of the chart where the bells have come back into rounds. In practice a group of ringers will ring in rounds until everything settles down and the bells are striking in an even sequence, then will change to the row numbered [1]. The change is set into motion by the conductor (the person in charge) calling out Go Plain Hunt on 6 (or whatever the name of the method is) during a handstroke; the ringers then ring the next stroke (a backstroke) in rounds still, and commence the pattern with the following handstroke.

Handstroke rows in these charts have no background, backstroke rows have a faint background.

Every row that is in rounds (123…) is underlined. Each sequence begins in rounds and continues until the bells come back into rounds.

Every lead end, the backstroke that is the treble's second pull in leads, has a darker background.

The bell in nths position at a lead end subsequently follows the same pattern that the bell in nths position at rounds follows from rounds. The patterns are constructed this way by convention.

The sequences have traditional names for the number of bells involved:

Minimus 4
Doubles 5 (1+2×2)
Minor 6
Triples 7 (1+2×3)
Major 8

Each sequence corresponds to its place notation, a string of digits, x's, and dots that describe the pattern in which the bells change places. You do not need to worry about place notation in order to find the charts useful. Skip the text in this box unless you are interested.

  • x means the bell in position 2n changes places with the bell in position 2n+1, for all reasonable n (place 1 with place 2, place 3 with place 4, etc.).
  • A digit means that the bell in that position doesn't change places with another bell. For example,
    • 14 means that (for four bells) the bell in position 2 changes places with the bell in position 3, but the bells in positions 1 and 4 stay put;
    • 125 means that (for five bells) the bells in positions 3 and 4 trade places, but the bells in positions 1, 2, and 5 stay put.
    • Obviously, some strings ask for changes that can't happen, for example 13 (since the bells in positions 1 and 3 stay put, who does the bell in position 2 exchange with?) since bells can only trade with adjacent places—it's too difficult to move a bell more than one place over.

As a convenience, I give the number of times the pattern is repeated, rather than write it out unrolled: 3.1 3 rather than

Plain Hunt
on 3

3.1 3

Plain Hunt on 3

Plain Hunt
on 6

x.16 6

Plain Hunt on 6

Plain Hunt
on 4

x.14 4

Plain Hunt on 4

Plain Hunt
on 7

7.1 7

Plain Hunt on 7

Plain Hunt
on 5

5.1 5

Plain Hunt on 5

Plain Hunt
on 8

x.18 8

Plain Hunt on 8

Plain Hunt
on 9

9.1 9

Plain Hunt on 9

Plain Hunt
on 10

x.10 10

Plain Hunt on 10

Little Bob

x.12.x.14 3

Bastow Minimus

Little Bob

x.12.x.16 5

Bastow Minor

Little Bob
?Doubles 4

Little Bob
?Triples 6

Plain Bob Doubles 4

Plain Bob Doubles

Plain Bob Minor

x.16.x.16.x.16.x.16.x.16.x.12 5

Plain Bob Minor

Cloister Doubles 3

Cloister Doubles

Stedman Doubles 5

Stedman Doubles

Grandsire Doubles 3

Grandsire Doubles

Demi-Bristol Minimus


Demi-Bristol Doubles

flip bgunflip