Thomas A. Alspaugh
First ringing course session (of seven).
I was taught to ring as a member of the
Washington Ringing Society,
ringing at the National Cathedral on Tuesdays
and the Old Post Office Tower on Thursdays.
At this point I had no idea what was important and what was not,
so I took few notes and did not date them until
Nov 7 Sa.
The following notes are from the first six sessions:
- Sallie
- Hand stroke
- Tail
- End stroke probably meant
Back stroke
- Set the bell (at hand stroke usu.)
Resources on the Web:
- Ian Carmichael TV series on ringing.
North American Guild website,
link lower center of home page
Central Council
then there under
- Google
learning change ringing
Ringing up:
Start with (3) loops in L hand.
Pull to increase bell's swing.
Last loop tightens 'til snug.
Release it,
then quickly work L hand up to R.
R hand stays on rope.
Sallie will start to bounce:
steady with R hand,
then start pulling hand stroke.
Ringing down:
(Accumulate loops in L hand)
Choke to slow bell's swing
(?) Hands diverge / could diverge on backstroke
When it's time for a loop:
During a backstroke, L hand joins R and accumulates a loop.
Eventually sallie will only bounce;
then only back strokes.
Goal while ringing:
could set bell at every stroke.
Then can hold there as long as desired.
What is said (by the treble) to start the band ringing:
Look to
Treble's going
She's gone