Thomas A. Alspaugh
Repeated phrases in
SIL Open Font License Version 1.1
9 phrases of 3 words or more, repeated 3 times or more
4 words in the longest such phrase
13 repetitions of the most frequent such phrase
w x Phrase Instances
4w 5x of the font software §3¶1s1w14 §3¶1s1w32 §3¶1.2s1w5 §3¶1.3s1w4 §3¶1.4s1w13
4w 4x the copyright holder s §2¶1s1w11 §2¶3s1w14 §3¶1.4s1w5 §3¶1.4s1w36
4w 3x copyright holder url email ¶1s1w4 ¶2s1w5 ¶3s1w5
3w 13x the font software §2¶4s1w33 §2¶5s1w16 §3¶1s1w15 §3¶1s1w33 §3¶1.1s1w2 §3¶1.2s1w6 §3¶1.3s1w5 §3¶1.4s1w14 §3¶1.5s1w1 §3¶1.5s2w18 §5¶1s1w1 §5¶1s2w45 §5¶1s2w53
3w 6x reserved font name ¶1s1w9 ¶1s1w12 ¶2s1w10 ¶2s1w14 §2¶2s1w1 §3¶1.3s1w11
3w 5x the copyright holder §2¶1s1w11 §2¶3s1w14 §3¶1.4s1w5 §3¶1.4s1w36 §5¶1s2w5
3w 4x under this license §1¶2s4w7 §2¶1s1w15 §3¶1.5s1w16 §3¶1.5s2w7
3w 3x copyright c dates ¶1s1w1 ¶2s1w1 ¶3s1w1
3w 3x refers to any §2¶2s1w4 §2¶4s1w3 §2¶5s1w2

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