Thomas A. Alspaugh
Repeated phrases in
Open Software License (OSL) v. 3.0
29 phrases of 3 words or more, repeated 3 times or more
5 words in the longest such phrase
34 repetitions of the most frequent such phrase
w x Phrase Instances
5w 4x the terms of this license §7¶1s1w31 §9¶1s2w32 §12¶1s1w6 §14¶1s1w26
5w 3x original work or derivative works §1¶1s1.cw22 §5¶1s1w13 §5¶1s1w24
5w 3x of the original work or §5¶1s1w11 §5¶1s2w19 §9¶1s2w7
4w 12x of the original work §1¶1s1.cw6 §3¶1s1w9 §3¶1s2w12 §3¶1s2w20 §5¶1s1w11 §5¶1s2w19 §6¶1s1w25 §7¶1s3w8 §8¶1s1w45 §9¶1s2w7 §10¶1s2w15 §11¶1s3w3
4w 5x the original work or §5¶1s1w12 §5¶1s1w23 §5¶1s2w20 §9¶1s2w8 §16¶1s3w14
4w 4x the original work and §1¶1s1.cw7 §2¶1s1w48 §7¶1s1w9 §9¶1s3w23
4w 4x to the original work §4¶1s1w12 §7¶1s1w8 §7¶1s5w3 §16¶1s3w13
4w 4x nothing in this license §4¶1s2w6 §4¶1s5w1 §9¶1s4w1 §16¶1s3w1
4w 3x derivative works that you §1¶1s1.cw25 §6¶1s1w10 §6¶1s2w9
4w 3x the source code of §3¶1s2w9 §6¶1s1w5 §6¶1s1w22
4w 3x the original work is §7¶1s2w10 §7¶1s3w9 §7¶1s5w4
4w 3x of this license or §8¶1s1w39 §11¶1s3w10 §12¶1s1w8
3w 34x the original work ¶1s1w14 ¶1s1w33 §1¶1s1.aw3 §1¶1s1.bw9 §1¶1s1.bw20 §1¶1s1.cw7 §1¶1s1.dw3 §1¶1s1.ew3 §2¶1s1w23 §2¶1s1w48 §3¶1s1w10 §3¶1s1w26 §3¶1s2w13 §3¶1s2w21 §3¶1s3w40 §4¶1s1w13 §4¶1s4w17 §5¶1s1w12 §5¶1s1w23 §5¶1s2w20 §6¶1s1w26 §6¶1s2w29 §7¶1s1w9 §7¶1s2w10 §7¶1s3w9 §7¶1s5w4 §8¶1s1w46 §9¶1s2w8 §9¶1s3w23 §10¶1s1w42 §10¶1s2w16 §11¶1s3w4 §15¶1s1w4 §16¶1s3w14
3w 14x of this license §7¶1s1w33 §7¶1s4w9 §8¶1s1w39 §9¶1s1w19 §9¶1s2w34 §11¶1s3w10 §11¶1s4w7 §12¶1s1w8 §12¶1s2w7 §13¶1s1w4 §14¶1s1w28 §16¶0s1w2 §16¶1s4w7 §16¶2s1w4
3w 6x original work or §1¶1s1.cw22 §5¶1s1w13 §5¶1s1w24 §5¶1s2w21 §9¶1s2w9 §16¶1s3w15
3w 6x in this license §4¶1s2w7 §4¶1s5w2 §9¶1s4w2 §14¶0s1w4 §16¶1s3w2 §16¶1s4.iiw37
3w 5x distribute or communicate §1¶1s1.cw2 §1¶1s1.cw29 §9¶1s2w3 §16¶1s2w6 §16¶1s4w12
3w 5x the source code §3¶1s2w9 §3¶1s3w15 §6¶1s1w5 §6¶1s1w22 §6¶1s2w4
3w 4x open software license ¶1s1w2 ¶2s1w4 §1¶1s1.cw37 §16¶1s4.iw14
3w 4x by this license §7¶1s5w9 §9¶1s5w19 §10¶1s1w19 §15¶1s1w15
3w 4x this license or §8¶1s1w40 §11¶1s3w11 §12¶1s1w9 §15¶1s1w16
3w 4x this license is §9¶1s4w3 §13¶1s1w5 §16¶1s1w1 §16¶2s1w5
3w 4x and you may §9¶1s5w6 §10¶1s1w6 §16¶1s4.iw19 §16¶1s4.iiw40
3w 3x by the licensor §2¶1s1w16 §2¶1s1w28 §7¶1s1w22
3w 3x copy of the §3¶1s2w7 §3¶1s2w19 §3¶1s3w13
3w 3x is granted to §4¶1s3w4 §4¶1s4w3 §16¶1s2w2
3w 3x this license shall §4¶1s5w3 §9¶1s5w1 §10¶1s1w1
3w 3x including without limitation §7¶1s2w30 §8¶1s1w49 §12¶1s1w28
3w 3x this license and §9¶1s1w20 §16¶1s4w8 §16¶1s4.iiw38

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