Thomas A. Alspaugh
Repeated phrases in
Unreal Engine 3 UDK License Terms (2010 Feb)
49 phrases of 3 words or more, repeated 3 times or more
8 words in the longest such phrase
16 repetitions of the most frequent such phrase
w x Phrase Instances
8w 3x the udk and derivative works of the udk §2¶1s1.dw7 §5¶1s2w27 §5¶1s2w40
5w 8x derivative works of the udk §2¶1s1.bw2 §2¶1s1.cw2 §2¶1s1.dw10 §3¶1.1s1.bw1 §5¶1s1w28 §5¶1s2w30 §5¶1s2w43 §5¶1s4w15
5w 3x use the udk to develop §3¶1.2s1w1 §3¶1.7s1w1 §3¶1.11s1w1
4w 6x the udk or any §3¶1.1s1.aw1 §3¶1.1s1.bw4 §3¶1.2s1w14 §9.b¶1s1w51 §10¶1s1w42 §17¶1s1w14
4w 4x of the udk and §5¶1s2w26 §5¶1s2w32 §5¶1s2w39 §8¶1s2w15
4w 4x the laws of your §12¶1s2w20 §19¶1s2w7 §19¶1s3w9 §19¶1s3w15
4w 3x the terms and conditions §1¶1s4w8 §1¶1s4w21 §15¶1s2.bw15
4w 3x the third party software §1¶1s4w14 §1¶1s4w27 §1¶1s6w1
4w 3x of the udk or §3¶1.1s1.bw3 §9.a¶1s1w43 §9.b¶1s1w50
4w 3x under the laws of §3¶1.11s1.1w4 §19¶1s2w6 §19¶1s3w8
4w 3x of the udk you §4¶1.4s5w17 §5¶1s1w30 §5¶1s4w17
4w 3x other intellectual property rights §5¶1s1w19 §5¶1s2w7 §9.a¶1s1w30
4w 3x limitations and exclusions of §13¶1s6w2 §14¶1s6w2 §19¶1s4w1
3w 16x of the udk §2¶1s1w37 §2¶1s1.bw4 §2¶1s1.cw4 §2¶1s1.dw12 §3¶1.1s1.bw3 §3¶1.14s1w13 §4¶1.4s5w17 §5¶1s1w30 §5¶1s2w26 §5¶1s2w32 §5¶1s2w39 §5¶1s2w45 §5¶1s4w17 §8¶1s2w15 §9.a¶1s1w43 §9.b¶1s1w50
3w 10x of this agreement ¶1s3w9 §1¶1s2w16 §2¶1s1w10 §3¶1.14s1w5 §8¶1s1.aw25 §8¶1s2w3 §10¶1s2w15 §11¶1s1w4 §14¶1s5w20 §19¶1s5w7
3w 10x use the udk ¶1s3w15 §2¶1s1.aw3 §3¶1s2w13 §3¶1s3w4 §3¶1.2s1w1 §3¶1.7s1w1 §3¶1.11s1w1 §3¶1.11s1.1w16 §3¶1.12s1w1 §4¶1.3s1w5
3w 9x derivative works of §2¶1s1.bw2 §2¶1s1.cw2 §2¶1s1.dw10 §3¶1.1s1.bw1 §3¶1.1s1.dw5 §5¶1s1w28 §5¶1s2w30 §5¶1s2w43 §5¶1s4w15
3w 9x the udk and §2¶1s1.dw7 §4¶1s4w8 §5¶1s2w17 §5¶1s2w27 §5¶1s2w33 §5¶1s2w40 §8¶1s2w16 §10¶1s1w23 §15¶1s1w1
3w 9x the udk or §3¶1.1s1.aw1 §3¶1.1s1.bw4 §3¶1.2s1w14 §4¶1s4w18 §9.a¶1s1w44 §9.b¶1s1w51 §10¶1s1w42 §14¶1s3.aw4 §17¶1s1w14
3w 7x terms and conditions §1¶1s2w3 §1¶1s3w5 §1¶1s4w9 §1¶1s4w22 §1¶1s5w10 §2¶1s1w7 §15¶1s2.bw16
3w 7x the laws of §3¶1.11s1.1w5 §12¶1s1w1 §12¶1s2w20 §12¶1s2w39 §19¶1s2w7 §19¶1s3w9 §19¶1s3w15
3w 6x in this agreement §2¶1s1.dw54 §3¶1s1w13 §3¶1s2w20 §5¶1s4w47 §13¶1s5w2 §19¶1s4w8
3w 5x third party software §1¶0s1w1 §1¶1s1w4 §1¶1s4w15 §1¶1s4w28 §1¶1s6w2
3w 5x with the udk §1¶1s6w12 §3¶1.2s1w13 §4¶1s4w7 §4¶1s4w17 §4¶2s1w7
3w 5x intellectual property rights §2¶1s1w34 §5¶1s1w20 §5¶1s2w8 §6¶1s4w41 §9.a¶1s1w31
3w 5x the udk to §3¶1.2s1w2 §3¶1.7s1w2 §3¶1.11s1w2 §4¶2s1w8 §6¶1s2.bw40
3w 5x to the extent §3¶1.3s1w10 §6¶1s1w1 §6¶1s4w1 §13¶1s6w12 §14¶1s6w12
3w 5x of your jurisdiction §5¶1s4w4 §6¶1s3w15 §19¶1s2w9 §19¶1s3w11 §19¶1s3w17
3w 5x to the udk §6¶1s2.bw5 §7¶1s2w13 §10¶1s1w22 §10¶1s1w41 §14¶1s3.aw3
3w 4x epic games inc ¶1s1w26 §3¶1.4s1w14 §4¶1.4s2w16 §4¶1.4s5w7
3w 4x or any other §3¶1.1s1w27 §3¶1.2s1w16 §10¶1s1w44 §16¶1s1w34
3w 4x other intellectual property §5¶1s1w19 §5¶1s2w7 §9¶0s1w1 §9.a¶1s1w30
3w 4x under this agreement §9.b¶1s1w69 §16¶1s1w18 §18¶1s1w30 §18¶1s2w25
3w 4x commercial computer software §15¶1s1w20 §15¶1s1w24 §15¶1s2w15 §15¶1s2w19
3w 3x the purpose of ¶1s2w1 §2¶1s1.aw7 §2¶1s1.cw11
3w 3x udk and any ¶1s2w16 §5¶1s2w18 §5¶1s2w34
3w 3x you do not ¶1s3w2 §3¶1.8s1w49 §4¶1.2s1w1
3w 3x this agreement you ¶1s3w10 §1¶1s5w3 §8¶1s2w4
3w 3x you may not ¶1s3w12 §3¶1s3w14 §4¶2s1w1
3w 3x in any way §3¶1.1s1w6 §3¶1.12s1w4 §4¶1.3s1w9
3w 3x any udk code §3¶1.1s1.cw4 §3¶1.1s1.dw8 §3¶1.4s1w2
3w 3x the right to §3¶1.8s1w26 §3¶1.8s1w34 §3¶1.8s1w53
3w 3x the splash screen §3¶1.8s1w30 §3¶1.8s1w45 §3¶1.8s1w70
3w 3x of epic or §3¶1.10s1w16 §13¶1s6.aw13 §14¶1s6.aw13
3w 3x laws of the §3¶1.11s1.1w6 §12¶1s2w40 §15¶1s3w6
3w 3x unreal development kit §4¶1s4w21 §4¶1.4s3w7 §4¶1.4s4w16
3w 3x provide to epic §6¶1s2.aw20 §6¶1s2.bw10 §6¶1s2.bw19
3w 3x this agreement and §8¶1s1.aw26 §8¶1s3w4 §10¶1s1w1
3w 3x the united states §12¶1s2w28 §12¶1s2w36 §15¶1s3w8

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