Interface HasHLT

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
Mattress1, Mattress2, Mattress3, Orientation, OrientationFLB, OrientationFRT, OrientationHLT, OrientationHRB

public interface HasHLT

Something that has a red end at the head or foot, a blue side at the left or right, and a green surface at the top or bottom.

Method Summary
 boolean headRed()
          True iff the red end is at the top.
 boolean leftBlue()
          True iff the blue side is at the left.
 boolean topGreen()
          True iff the green surface is on the top.
 java.lang.String toString()
          A string representing the orientation, matching [HF][LR][TB].  The string contains H if headRed() and F otherwise; L if leftBlue() and R otherwise; and T if topGreen() and B otherwise.

Method Detail


java.lang.String toString()
A string representing the orientation, matching [HF][LR][TB].  The string contains H if headRed() and F otherwise; L if leftBlue() and R otherwise; and T if topGreen() and B otherwise.

toString in class java.lang.Object


boolean headRed()
True iff the red end is at the top.


boolean leftBlue()
True iff the blue side is at the left.


boolean topGreen()
True iff the green surface is on the top.