Your course and after bells
For Minimus, there are:
Your course bell |
Your bell |
Your after bell |
3 | 2 | 4 |
4 | 3 | 2 |
2 | 4 | 3 |
The coursing order is 2-4-3:
Your course bell is the bell immediately before you in the coursing order; your after bell is the bell immediately after you in the coursing order.
is my term,
not a standard one in ringing
The three landmarks are:
Scissors dodge
You dodge down (in) with your after bell in 4-3:
The dodges in Plain Bob are scissors dodges, in which you swap places with the other bell for all four strokes.
When you are doing Dodge 3‑4 Down, your after bell is doing its Dodge 3‑4 Up.
You dodge up (out) with your course bell in 4-3:
Make 2nds
When you are doing Dodge 3‑4 Up your after bell is doing its Dodge 3‑4 Down.
After ringing your two usual blows in leads, you ring two successive blows in 2nds, then back to leads for two more blows.
You always Make 2nds over the treble in Plain Bob.
The three landmarks occur in this rotation, with the beginning point depending on your bell.
Pass the treble (going up) in: |
Then do: |
Then pass the treble (going down) in: |
At the back = 3-4 | Dodge 3‑4 Down | 3-2 |
2-3 | Dodge 3‑4 Up | 4-3 = At the back |
1-2 | Make 2nds | 2-1 |
Underscored places are those in which you ring over the treble. |
The treble hunts straight out and straight in, with a period of 8 strokes; the treble makes 3 cycles between rounds. The other bells interrupt their hunting with dodges and making 2nds, so it takes them longer: 10 strokes, plus an extra 4 strokes while Making 2nds, and they make only 2 cycles between rounds (plus Making 2nds). Consequently each other bell passes the treble six times between rounds (2 hunting up and 2 hunting down, plus 1 each way for Making 2nds).
The clock
Plain Bob Minimus
This information is traditionally summarized
by the clock
for this method,
shown at right.
Whenever any bell is in a landmark, all the other bells (except the treble) are also in their own landmarks:
You may wish to memorize the sequence of places. If so, when you recite them to yourself, look to the right at each place in which you are over the treble (= following the treble), so you will habitually look to the right (toward the treble) at the right points in the sequence when you are ringing too.
2nds work | 4ths work | 3rds work |
1 1 2 3 4 4 3 4 | 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 3 | 4 4 3 2 1 1 2 2 |
In this list, places in which you are over the treble are underlined. The background color indicates the stroke: white for handstrokes, gray for backstrokes, and dark gray for lead end backstrokes.
The list applies to all the working bells:
The sequence repeats over and over,
just like ringing Plain Bob does.
No matter where you start from,
when you get to the end
of the sequence
loop back to the beginning
and keep going.
Reciting the sequence for the 4:
3 2 1 1 2 3 4 3 4 4 3 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 3 4 4 3 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 3 4 4 3 2 1 1 2 2 …
(Your course and after bells are dodging over you.)
except before you Make 2nds.
except after you Make 2nds.
(Your course bell is making 2nds over the treble under your dodge.)
You can remember that you dodge down with your after bell by the fact that you have already struck your two blows at the back before the dodge, when the other bell comes to the back after you.
(Your after bell is making 2nds over the treble under your dodge.)
You can remember that you dodge up with your course bell by the fact that you are just coming to the back for the dodge, while the other bell was already there before you (thus your course bell).
You always pass the other working bells in the coursing order (2-4-3) when hunting out and when hunting in, with the treble inserted at a point that depends on where you are among the landmarks.
Your bell |
passes (out or in) |
2 | 4-3 |
3 | 2-4 |
4 | 3-2 |
When you dodge,
you step back
in the coursing order
to make the dodge.
For example,
the 2 hunting out to the back and making its
Dodge 3‑4 Down
follows 4-3-1-4-3-4-1-3,
stepping back to follow the 4 a second time
before following the treble again.
Well, you don't have to, if you can always remember your place and ring in it perfectly. But human ringers find it helpful to memorize at least some of these (and some ringers memorize nearly all of them). Plus you'll note that many of these are the same for Plain Bob on any number of bells so you only have to memorize them once for all, and the others have analogues for Plain Bob on other numbers of bells.
Also, if you want to be able to tell what's going wrong when something goes wrong, these will give you a good handle to start with, short of memorizing the entire chart.
(The coursing order is 2-4-3)
Your bell is the | 2 |
Your course bell is the | 3 |
Your after bell is the | 4 |
The 2's first landmark is Dodge 3‑4 Down.
(The coursing order is 2-4-3)
Your bell is the | 3 |
Your course bell is the | 4 |
Your after bell is the | 2 |
The 3's first landmark is Make 2nds.
Blue line for
Plain Bob Minimus
All bells for
Plain Bob Minimus
All working bells
(2-4) perform
their landmarks at
the same time