Thomas A. Alspaugh
Reference Cards

I've produced a collection of 8½"×11" reference cards for the Miami ringers. Some show generally useful reference information, such as what all the bells do in Plain Hunt, and others address specific problems that have come up repeatedly, such as what the treble says when pulling off. Most of the diagrams were produced with the software on my generate page; beyond a certain point it proved faster to write a program to make the diagrams than to make the diagrams accurately by hand.

Cards on the display rail

I have the most frequently needed ones up on display rails on the walls (above). The display rails make it easy to take one down and put another one up. I printed them on card stock so they will last longer.

You are welcome to print them for your own use. For any other use see the fairly open terms of the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license under which they are published here, and the attribution requirements linked from the bottom of this page.

These two aren't on the wall of course, but rather each is rolled and taped into a cylinder and sitting on a shelf.

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