Under Construction
In general terms,
software architecture examines a software system
not in terms of its external behavior and overall characteristics
(that would be its requirements),
nor in terms of its functions, methods, and classes,
but in terms of units in between in scale and scope
(termed components)
and the connections between them
(termed connectors).
Shaw et al.
define a system's components as
the locus of computation and state
for the system,
and its connectors as
the locus of definition for relations among components
But it seems clear
that a key characteristic for components is scale,
since they have to be smaller than the system
but large enough to be bigger than an ordinary implementation unit;
architecture would just be requirements or design.
Figure 1. Three levels of discourse
Software architecture seems to be primarily useful in providing an intermediate level of discourse about a system. The components and their connectors provide units of discourse that are smaller than the system, so that the system's requirements can be (implicitly) expressed and discussed in terms of the interactions of these units. At the same time, for a system large enough that simply talking about it at the level of code and code units is not enough, it provides a way to plan and evaluate the design of the system, filling in the conceptual gap between the level of code and the level of requirements.
Figure 2. Component with
provided and
required interfaces
Like any module, a component is characterized by the interface it provides (its provided interface) and the interfaces it requires in order to implement its provided interface (its required interfaces).
Each architectural style is characterized by a pattern of connection between each component and the ones that provide its required interfaces.
Architectural styles help a designer organize a system architecture coherently, and help others to understand the architecture. Most systems use a combination of architectural styles, either with different styles for different portions of the architecture, or with two or more patterns of connection among overlapping sets of components, with each pattern corresponding to a different architectural style.
Figure 3. Hierarchical architecture
In this style,
the interface of the system is provided by
a single component
(the Main Component
in Figure 3).
Some components implement their interfaces
with the help of subcomponents;
no subcomponent contributes to more than a single parent component.
The connectors are typically function or method calls.
In a layered architecture, components are arranged in layers, ordered from lowest to highest, such that each layer only interacts with the one below it (providing its required interfaces) and the one above it (to which it provides required interfaces). The provided interface of the top layer is the provided interface of the system.
Figure 4. Layered architecture (two equivalent views)
The two diagrams in Figure 4 are equivalent. In both cases, Layer 2 provides the interface for the entire system. Layer 1 is inaccessible except to Layer 2, and Layer 0 is inaccessible except to Layer 1. Layer 0's required interfaces are provided by the underlying run-time environment.
Figure 5. Protocol stacks
An important subtype of layered architectures is a stacks architecture, such as is exhibited by the Internet Protocol Suite for TCP/IP. Two stacks simulate communication at each level, although in fact communication only occurs between the lowest levels, the Layer 0s.
In the diagram, each Layer 2 provides an interface for communicating with the other stack through its Layer 2 interface. At this layer, it appears to the user of Layer 2 that the communication is occurring at that level. However, each Layer 2 requires the Layer 1 interface to perform the necessary communication. At this layer also, it appears to the user of Layer 1 that the communication is occurring at that level. However, each Layer 1 requires the Layer 0 interface to perform the necessary communication. This can continue through as many layers as needed to provide the desired characteristics. The two Layer 0 components are actually in communication with each other.
Figure 6. Client-server architecture utilizing two servers
In a client-server architecture, one component, the server, provides an interface that other components, the clients, connect to as needed to request the service provided by the server.
The set of clients is often variable, and the connections are commonly made only as needed. There may be several servers providing the same services, in which case a client may connect to any, and may look up a server in some kind of directory in order to locate an appropriate one; clients may be directed to whichever server is least busy, in order to balance the load and provide fastest service.
Figure 7. Pipe-and-filter architecture
A pipe-and-filter architecture utilizes components that are filters: they take a sequence of inputs and produce a sequence of processed outputs from it. The outputs of each filter become the inputs of the next filter in the pipeline. The system may rearrange the filters in the pipeline at run time, substituting, adding, or deleting filters to achieve different results.
A typical application of this style is image, audio, or other signal processing. Unix command line scripts often incorporate chains of commands (filters), such as grep PAT|sort|uniq for extracting lines matching PAT, sorting them, and discarding repetitions.
Figure 8. Event-based implicit invocation architecture
In an event-based implicit invocation architecture, components register their interest in specific events with an event manager (using its provided interface). As part of the registration process, each component makes a callback method on its provided interface available to the event manager as one of its required interfaces. Thereafter, whenever a registered event is detected by the event manager, it calls the callback method of every component registered for it and gives each one the event.
Figure 9. Blackboard architecture
A blackboard architecture has a blackboard component, acting as a central data repository, and a number of components that act independently on the common data structure stored in the blackboard, responding to changes in it and in response making further changes. The components interact only through the blackboard.
Figure 10. Interpreted program architecture
An interpreter architecture mimics a coded component using a program written in some language, an interpreter that reads programs in the language and enacts them, and a component that stores the program's current state. Input to the interpreted-program component is sent to the program state, where it is read by the program running on the interpreter; output produced by the program is placed in the program state, where it can result in output from the interpreted-program component's provided interface.
Figure 11. Peer-to-peer architecture, here with
every component requiring every other's interface
In a peer-to-peer architecture,
all components are at the same level
and each may require the interface of
any or every other component.
A peer-to-peer architecture
provides little structure
for a system.