The single most effective thing you can to to make your presentation a good one is practice it once beforehand, preferably to a friend, roommate, or teammate who will listen, take notes and offer suggestions afterwards, and time how long you talk (so you know how much to leave out).
(If you are presenting at a conference, see also Jennifer Widom's tips.)
There is always the temptation to try and present more material than there is time for. Rehearse your presentation and time it; leave out material until you can present all of your presentation at a comfortable pace in the time available.
Don't rush. If you feel you are running behind, don't try to talk faster; instead, leave things out. Speak to the people in the last row.
Avoid speaking in a monotone. Be interested in what you are saying (which means: come up with interesting things to say, things that are interesting to you).
Look at individuals if you wish (but not the same person or people all the time). Or look between people (less distracting to you, everyone in that area thinks you're looking at them). Or (especially if you are nervous) look just above the last row of people (then everyone thinks you're looking at the people behind them).
Be natural (if possible), then you will make the right gestures without thinking about it. If you are too nervous to make natural gestures, then you can gesture toward the screen when you are talking about something that is on the screen, move your hands a bit when you are saying something important, and otherwise keep them behind your back.
Your slides should support what you are saying, rather than duplicate or replace it. Make an outline of what you want to say, and put the outline on your slides. Leave off anything that isn't important and interesting. Keep whatever you say on your slides short. Most people cover a slide every 2 to 3 minutes, so (for example) a 15-minute presentation should probably have around 5 to 8 slides.
Practice your talk ahead of time. Run through it at least once in front of someone (your teammates, roommate, friend, someone).