Thomas A. Alspaugh
XML Schemas

Introduction and context

This is a partial description of the XML Schema language. It is provided because the W3C specification and published descriptions of the language are difficult to follow, especially for a novice. For a variety of reasons, the XML Schema language is complex, apparently arbitrary, and difficult to explain or understand in its entirety. This description does not give every feature of XML Schema nor every way of doing things, but rather a (relatively) straightforward approach for defining most XML languages.

The W3C documents current at this writing are available online: the XML Schema home page and the XML Schema specification, consisting of XML Schema Part 0: Primer, XML Schema Part 1: Structures, and XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes.

A useful Java package is Apache XMLBeans, which provides methods to marshal and unmarshal XML to/from Java objects and also a most useful verification tool (validate) for schemas and for XML files intended to match a particular schema. All examples in this page were checked using validate.


An element

An element consists of a start tag and end tag and everything in between, or an empty‑element tag. A pair of start and end tags have the same name. A start tag consists of an initial <, the name, possibly some attributes, and a terminal >. An end tag has no attributes, and consists only of an initial </, the tag name, and a terminal >. The material between an element's start tag and end tag are its contents. The contents may contain elements, and if so they must be either empty‑element tags or paren-nested start and end tags. An empty‑element tag starts with < and its name, may have attributes following its name, and ends with />.

A tag's name may be


  1. An empty‑element tag:
    <name attr='value'/>
  2. Matched start and end tags:
    <name attr='value'>
      character data or other elements can appear here …


A schema is a file defining a grammatical form for XML files. The schema itself is in XML of a particular grammatical form described here. The schema file defines a single schema element, and looks something like this:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs=''

with the representing the schema.

The line <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> is the XML declaration.

In this schema, the attribute xmlns:xs='' of the schema element makes xs represent the namespace of the XMLSchema definition, so that a prefix of xs: identifies the schema elements (such as xs:simpleType). We will use xs: throughout this document. Any prefix can be used (xsd: is also common) as long as it is defined in the schema element.

An element is at the top level if it is a child element of the schema element (rather than a child of a child, or a child of a child of a child, etc).

More on the schema element …

Referencing a schema in an XML file

An XML element can identify its schema(s) in the xsi:schemaLocation and xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attributes. These two attributes are in the‑instance namespace.

The xsi:schemaLocation attribute's value is a list of whitespace-separated namespaces and URIs for corresponding schemas.

  <anElement xmlns=''

(example adapted from the W3C XML Schema Structures document) 

The xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute's value is a single URI for the schema for elements and attributes with no namespace.

Elements and types in a schema

Each XML element defined in a schema has a type. The type is defined either as part of the element definition, or elsewhere as a named type (with the name attribute) and referred to by that name in the element definition (with the type attribute). Each type definition consists of a simpleType or a complexType element. Each attribute of an element has a type as well; attribute types are restricted to be simpleTypes.

The element definition itself is made using an element element (which is confusing to say, but natural to do).


  1. An element containing a string; its type is the basic XML type string and is referred to in the element definition.
      <xs:element name='stringElement' type='xs:string'/>
  2. An element containing a string; this example's type is defined as part of the element definition. (In practice, one would simply define the element as in the preceding example.) 
      <xs:element name='stringElementSimpleType'>
          <xs:restriction base='xs:string'/>
  3. An element containing a string and with an attribute. The element type is defined as part of the element definition.
      <xs:element name='stringLangElementComplexType'>
            <xs:extension base='xs:string'>
              <xs:attribute name='language' type='xs:string'/>
  4. An element containing a string and with an attribute. The element type is defined separately as stringLangType and referred to in the element definition.
      <xs:element name='stringLangElement' type='stringLangType'/>
      <xs:complexType name='stringLangType'>
          <xs:extension base='xs:string'>
            <xs:attribute name='language' type='xs:language'/>

Although the same XML Schema constructs are used to define element and attribute types, those types are interpreted in different ways. An attribute type is simply a definition of the set of values that attribute can be given. An element type, on the other hand, gives the values that the element can contain (and possibly the names and types of the element's attributes). In example (a) above, xs:string is the type of the contents of the element, while in example (c) the same type xs:string is the type of the values of the attribute language.

Rather than separating the definitions of element and attribute types, XML Schema divides types into simpleTypes and complexTypes. Attribute types are restricted to be simpleTypes, while element types can be either simpleTypes (interpreted as element contents) or complexTypes.

Simple and complex types

A simple type may contain only character data, and may not have attributes. All other types are complex. A simple type is defined using a simpleType element, and a complex type is defined using a complexType element.

Type Element may contain Element may have attributes
simple Character data only No
complex Character data, other elements, or both Yes

Empty, simple, complex, and mixed content

Element content may be empty, simple, complex, or mixed.

Content Element may contain Indicated by
empty Nothing simpleType containing no character data (example) or
complexType containing no character data and no elements (easier example)
simple Character data only simpleType or
complexType containing simpleContent
complex\n Other elements complexContent declaring those subelements
mixed Character data and other elements complexContent declaring those subelements, with attribute mixed='true'

Simple types must have simple or empty content; complex types may have any kind of content, .

Character data

Character data may consist of any characters except < or literal &. A < may be represented as &lt;, and an & as &amp;.

Within an attribute value, character data may not contain the quote characters bracketing it. A single quote ' may be represented as &apos;, and a double quote " as &quot;.

Attribute types

Attribute types must be defined separately from the element that uses them, and they must be simple types containing simple content.


An element element defines an element that may appear in an XML file. If the element is defined at the top level, then the XML file may contain an instance of the element as its sole contents; otherwise, the XML file may contain an instance of the element as part of another element.

Every element must have a name, specified by its name attribute.

An element element may specify its type in one of these ways:

An element with simple content may have either (but not both) of these attribute:

An element may also have its contents restricted using either of these elements:

Simple type

A simpleType element must contain an element of one of these kinds:

Restriction (of a simple type)

A restriction element defines a new type by restricting an already-existing type to produce a smaller set of values. The already-existing type is named in the restriction element's base attribute. There are many ways of restricting a type, some of which are listed below.

(Note that a complex type can also be defined by restriction, using the same tag but with additional possibilities.) 

By a regular expression

Perl notation is used for the regular expression. The set of values are all those that completely match the pattern.

  <xs:simpleType name='vowelString'>
    <xs:restriction base='xs:string'>
      <xs:pattern value='[aeiou]+'/>

By enumeration of the restricted set of values

The values are given in the value attribute of enumeration elements.

  <xs:simpleType name='emptySimpleType'>
    <xs:restriction base='xs:string'>
      <xs:enumeration value=''/>

  <xs:simpleType name='subtractiveColors'>
    <xs:restriction base='xs:string'>
      <xs:enumeration value='blue'/>
      <xs:enumeration value='brown'/>
      <xs:enumeration value='green'/>
      <xs:enumeration value='orange'/>
      <xs:enumeration value='purple'/>
      <xs:enumeration value='red'/>
      <xs:enumeration value='yellow'/>

  <xs:simpleType name='smallSquares'>
    <xs:restriction base='xs:integer'>
      <xs:enumeration value='0'/>
      <xs:enumeration value='1'/>
      <xs:enumeration value='4'/>
      <xs:enumeration value='9'/>

By length

  <xs:simpleType name='threeChars'>
    <xs:restriction base='xs:string'>
      <xs:length value='3'/>

  <xs:simpleType name='threeToFiveChars'>
    <xs:restriction base='xs:string'>
      <xs:minLength value='3'/>
      <xs:maxLength value='5'/>


List types describe lists of elements of simple type; the lists are represented with whitespace between the elements. Definition of list types is not discussed here.


A union element defines a new simple type that is the union of two or more other simple types. The new type consists of everything that the component types comprise. The types may be listed by name in the memberTypes attribute, or defined in the contents of the union element, or both.

  <xs:simpleType name='vowelsOrColors'>
    <xs:union memberTypes='vowelString subtractiveColors'/>
  <xs:simpleType name='vowelsOrColors2'>
    <xs:union memberTypes='subtractiveColors'>
        <xs:restriction base='xs:string'>
          <xs:pattern value='[aeiou]+'/>

Predefined types

All predefined types are simple content except for anyType, the supertype of all types.

The supertype of all simple types, provided for use when deriving a type if no other supertype will do.
Strings of printable character data.
Like xs:string, but the only whitespace characters are spaces (on input, other whitespace is replaced by spaces).
Like xs:normalizedString, but leading spaces, sequences of two or more spaces, and trailing spaces are not allowed (on input, sequences are collapsed to single spaces and leading and trailing space is removed),
Like xs:string but restricted to name characters [-_:.A‑Za‑z0‑9]*.
Like xs:NMTOKEN but restricted to begin with a letter, colon, or underscore [_:A‑Za‑z][‑_:.A‑Za‑z0‑9]*.
(If you want a name in the usual sense, you probably want an xs:NCName.) 
A qualified name. Like xs:Name but can't start with a colon, and at most one colon is allowed. For example, the string 'xs:QName' is an xs:QName.
Like xs:Name but no colons allowed [_A‑Za‑z][‑_.A‑Za‑z0‑9]*.
(This datatype is closest to what one ordinarily thinks of as a name.) 
Like xs:NCName but programs processing an XML file must check that each attribute value and simple type element value of this type is unique within the document containing them.
Like xs:NCName but programs processing an XML file must check that each attribute value and simple type element value of this type is also an attribute or simple type element value of type xs:ID in the same file.
Like xs:string but restricted to be language codes (such as en, fr, etc.).
Like xs:string but restricted to be URIs; for example ''.
A boolean value. 'true', 'false', '1', or '0'.
A decimal number. Like xs:string but restricted to be [‑+]?[0‑9]+(.[0‑9]+) or [‑+]?[0‑9]*.[0‑9]+.
A decimal number with no fractional digits. Like xs:decimal but restricted to be [‑+]?[0‑9]+. Has these self-explanatory subtypes: xs:byte, xs:int, xs:long, xs:negativeInteger, xs:nonNegativeInteger, xs:nonPositiveInteger, xs:positiveInteger, xs:short, xs:unsignedByte, xs:unsignedInt, xs:unsignedLong, xs:unsignedShort.
Like xs:decimal but with an optional E[-+]?[0-9]+ on the end, plus also the speciol values INF, -INF, and NaN. There is also xs:double, just like xs:float but can be twice as long, 
Values are true, false, 1, and 0.
A date and time of the form CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss. The hyphens, T, and colons are required. Fractional seconds and a time zone (Z or a time offset such as +05:00) are allowed.
Like xs:dateTime but without hours, minutes, or seconds (time zone is still allowed).
Like xs:dateTime but without century, year, month, hour, minute, or second (time zone is still allowed).
Like xs:dateTime but without century, year, day, hour, minute, or second (time zone is still allowed).
Like xs:dateTime but without century, year, hour, minute, or second (time zone is still allowed).
Like xs:gYearMonth but without the month (time zone is still allowed).
A Gregorian year and month (thus the 'g'). Like xs:date but without the day (time zone is still allowed).
Like xs:dateTime but without century, year, month, or day (time zone is still allowed).
A duration of the form xs:PnYnMnDTnHnMnS. The P is required, and the T is required if any of the later elements are present. Each nX substring represents a number and a unit (years, months, days, etc.); the number of seconds can be xs:decimal, the number of any other unit must be xs:integer.

Not discussed here: base64Binary, ENTITY, ENTITIES, hexBinary, IDREFS, NMTOKENS, NOTATION.

Complex type

A complexType element must contain an element of one of these kinds:

In addition, a complexType element may contain elements of these kinds:

A complexType may
be defined to have:
by giving it:
empty content an empty complexContent element with no mixed='true' attribute (example)
simple content a simpleContent element
complex content a non-empty complexContent element, or a compositor or particle
mixed content complex content and the mixed='true' attribute.

For simplicity, we will say a complex type is

Simple content

A simpleContent element of a complexType element must contain an element of either of these kinds:

Complex content

A complexContent element of a complexType element must contain an element of either of these kinds:

If the mixed='true' attribute is given, the contents may include character data as well as child elements; otherwise, it may only include child elements.


An extension element creates a new type by adding elements and/or attributes to a simple or complex type.


  <xs:complexType name='emptyComplexType'/>

  <xs:complexType name='vowelStringInLanguage'>
      <xs:extension base='emptyComplexType'>
        <xs:attribute name='vowels' type='vowelString'/>
        <xs:attribute name='language' type='xs:language'/>

Restriction (of a complex type)

A new complex type may be derived by from an existing complex-simple type by restriction, in all the ways that a simple type can be derived from an existing simple type (see restriction for simple types).

In addition, a new complex type may be derived by from an existing complex-complex type by a restriction that reduces the child elements allowed or the type of a child element.

In either case, the restriction of a complex type can reduce the scope of one or more attributes of the type.

Restriction (of a complex-simple type)

The character data allowed for a complex type with simple content may be restricted in all the ways that a simple type can (see restriction of simple types). In addition, the types of attributes for the complex type may be restricted.

Examples: (under construction)

Restriction (of a complex-complex type)

The character data and attributes allowed for a complex type with complex content may be restricted in all the ways that a simple type or complex type with simple content can (see restriction of simple types and restriction of simple content). In addition, the child elements of the type may be restricted.

Examples: (under construction)

Compositors all, choice, and sequence

all, choice, and sequence are the XML Schema compositors, useful in that they allow a composition of more than one particle where a single particle could otherwise appear.


all is not discussed here; it does not appear useful in ordinary situations.


A choice compositor lists mutually exclusive child elements that may appear where the compositor does.

Examples: (under construction)


A sequence compositor lists child elements that must appear where the compositor does in the sequence in which they are listed.

Examples: (under construction)

Particles any and group

element, any, group, and the compositors choice and sequence are the XML Schema particles. A particle is used in a compositor to define a part of a complexType.

Any particle can have a minOccurs= and/or maxOccurs= attribute, as long as it is not appearing in a group.


The any element represents any element in a specified namespace.

Its namespace attribute has several possible values:

An any element must be empty.

There is also anyAttribute for attributes.

Examples: (under construction)


A group is a named set of elements. A named group must be defined at the top level (contained only by the schema element) and given a name using its name attribute, as in this examples:

  <xs:group name='groupSubtractiveColorsWithLanguage'>
      <xs:element name='subtractiveColor' type='subtractiveColors'/>
      <xs:element name='language' type='xs:language'/>

The named group can then be referenced by an empty‑element group tag using its ref attribute, and the effect is as if the contents of the group appeared at that point.

This example defines two equivalent complex types, the first using a group and the second directly:

  <xs:complexType name='SubtractiveColorsWithLanguage'>
    <xs:group ref='groupSubtractiveColorsWithLanguage'/>

  <xs:complexType name='subtractiveColorAndLanguage'>
      <xs:element name='subtractiveColor' type='subtractiveColors'/>
      <xs:element name='language' type='xs:language'/>

There are also attributeGroups.

Attribute for a complex type

A complexType is given an attribute by giving it an attribute child element.

Attributes may be defined globally, referenced, or defined locally.

Global definition of an attribute

Attributes may be named and defined at the top level, and then referenced by name elsewhere. Such definitions may contain these attributes:

The type of the attribute's value is given either by a type attribute of the definition or by a simpleType child element of the definition.

Reference to a global definition of an attribute

A defined attribute may be given to an element or element type by a child empty‑element attribute. The empty‑element attribute may have these attributes:

Local definition of an attribute

An attribute may be given to an element or element type by an attribute element that gives the name and type of the attribute directly. The local definition can have these attributes:

It may not have a ref attribute.

The type of the attribute's value is given either by a type attribute of the definition or by a simpleType child element of the definition.

Examples: (under construction)

Attribute group

An attribute group is a named set of attributes. Like a group, it must be defined at the top level and can be referenced elsewhere. An attributeGroup may contain attribute and/or attributeGroup elements. An attributeGroup definition must have a name attribute, and a attributeGroup reference must be empty and have a ref attribute.

Examples: (under construction)

See group.

Any attribute allowed

The anyAttribute element represents any attribute in a specified namespace. An anyAttribute element may have a namespace attribute, and must be empty. It is analogous to any for elements.

Examples: (under construction)

Attributes common to several schema elements

Many of the XML Schema elements share the same attributes. Some of those are described here.


base is used to refer to a simpleType or complexType that is being extended or restricted. It is similar to ref and type but is only used to reference base types.

The type of a base value is xs:NCName.


default indicates the default value of an attribute or element; the default value is assumed for an attribute that does not appear, or for an element with empty content. The only elements for which it is allowed are those with simple content, as values of complex content cannot be given in an attribute value.

default and fixed may not appear together.


fixed indicates an attribute or element that can only have one value; that value is given by the value of the fixed attribute. The only elements for which it is allowed are those with simple content, as values of complex content cannot be given in an attribute value.

default and fixed may not appear together.


maxOccurs indicates the maximum number of times an instance represented by the element may appear. If the maxOccurs attribute is not given, 1 is assumed. maxOccurs may be given any non-negative integer value, and also the special value unbounded.

The value of minOccurs (assumed or explicit) must not be greater than the value of maxOccurs (assumed or explicit).


  <xs:group name='OccursExample'>
      <xs:element name='Default'/>
      <xs:element name='SameAsDefault'  minOccurs='1' maxOccurs='1'/>
      <xs:element name='ZeroOrOneTimes' minOccurs='0'/>
      <xs:element name='OnceOrTwice'                  maxOccurs='2'/>
      <xs:element name='AtLeastOnce'                  maxOccurs='unbounded'/>
      <xs:element name='AnyNumber'      minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded'/>


minOccurs indicates the minimum number of times an instance represented by the element may appear. If the minOccurs attribute is not given, 1 is assumed. minOccurs may be given any non-negative integer value.

The value of minOccurs (assumed or explicit) must not be greater than the value of maxOccurs (assumed or explicit).


name is used to give a name to a definition that can then be referenced elsewhere using a base, ref, type, or other attribute.

It is also used to specify the names of elements and attributes that can appear in an XML file matching the schema.

The type of a name value is xs:NCName.


ref is used to reference a named definition (see name).

The type of a ref value is xs:NCName.


type is used to reference a named type (see name). It is similar to ref but is only used to reference types.

The type of a type value is xs:NCName.

More on element


More on schema



Ordinary XML comments may be used in XML schemas. These comments may appear anywhere an element may.



The annotation element is provided specifically for commenting schemas. An annotation may appear as the first element of almost any XML Schema element, and may appear anywhere at the top level in a schema element. (An annotation cannot appear within another annotation or its children.) 

An annotation may contain a documentation element containing a human-readable comment, and/or an appinfo element containing program-readable text.


  <xs:element name='annotatedElement'>
        Here is a comment for this schema element.

Uniqueness constraints

XML Schema provides several ways of ensuring unique values for attributes or elements and using those values in references. Of course, it is always possible to exercise discipline and ensure that certain values in an XML file are unique, or to write a program to check the constraints you need. Using the features described here forces XML validators to check the uniqueness constraints whenever an XML instance of your schema is read by a validator.

One way is through the predefined types ID and IDREF. Schema processors are expected to check that values of type ID in an XML file are unique, and that values of type IDREF are also values of type ID in the same file.

A second way is to use unique, key, and/or keyref.

A unique element identifies elements with unique field or element values. These values are constrained to be unique within each instance of unique's parent element (unique can only occur as a child of an element). This parent element defines the scope of the constraint, and is here termed the scope node.

The unique element must contain two subelements:

The values are constrained to be unique among the selected descendants of the scope node (contrast IDs, which are unique within the entire file). The distinguishing field or element may be an optional one, in which case only descendants that possess it are constrained.

Each unique element is required to have a name field, and the name values must be unique among all unique and key elements in the schema.

A selector element identifies a set of selected elements. Its xpath attribute gives the pattern that selects those elements, using the scope node (the selector element's element grandparent) as the context node. In the most common case, the pattern simply names the element type. However, any pattern that selects a child of the scope node is allowed.

A field element identifies a distinguishing node, an element or field of the selected elements. Its xpath attribute gives the pattern that selects the element or field, using each element selected by the selector element as the context node. In the most common case, the pattern simply names the field (preceded by @ to show it is a field). However, any pattern that selects a child of the selected elements or a field of a child is allowed. It is possible to select several children as a composite field, but that is not discussed further here.

A key element is like a unique element, except that its field child element may only select a distinguishing node that is required, whereas for unique the distinguishing node may be an element for which minOccurs=0 or a field for which use=optional.

A keyref element defines a reference to a selected element of a key or unique element. The keyref should be a sibling of the key or unique element (this is not required, but produces results that are more predictable).

The keyref element must contain two subelements:

Each keyref element is required to have two attributes:


  <xs:element name='world'>
        <xs:element name='state' maxOccurs='unbounded'>
            <xs:choice maxOccurs='unbounded'>
              <xs:element name='car'>
                  <!-- empty content -->
                  <xs:attribute name='licenseNumber'  type='xs:string'/>
                  <xs:attribute name='carPhoneNumber' type='xs:string' use='optional'/>
              <xs:element name='carOwner'>
                    <xs:element name='carLicense' type='xs:string' maxOccurs='unbounded'/>
                  <xs:attribute name='owner'  type='xs:string'/>
          <xs:key name='car-licenseNumber-state'>  <!-- key -->
                No two cars in the same state can have the same licenseNumber.
            <xs:selector xpath='car'/>
            <xs:field xpath='@licenseNumber'/>
          <xs:keyref name='owner-state' refer='car-licenseNumber-state'>  <!-- keyref -->
            <xs:selector xpath='carOwner'/>
            <xs:field xpath='carLicense'/>
    <xs:unique name='car-carPhoneNumber-world'>  <!-- unique -->
          No two cars in the world can have the same carPhoneNumber.
      <xs:selector xpath='car'/>
      <xs:field xpath='@carPhoneNumber'/>


Following are descriptions of XML Schema features that are more advanced, and best avoided until needed.

Inclusion of other schemas

There are several ways one schema can incorporate types, elements, attributes, and groups defined in another schema (besides simply copying the text, which always works).

include has the effect of including all top-level definitions of another schema. The other schema is named in the schemaLocation attribute. Its namespace (if any) must match the namespace of the including schema (if any). include may only appear at the top level.

import tells a program processing a schema where to find definitions in another namespace that are used in the schema. The location of the definitions is given in the schemaLocation attribute; only definitions at the top level can be imported. The namespace of those definitions is given in the namespace attribute. (Compare schema's xmlns attribute.) 

Substitution groups

Substitution groups provide a way to 'type' elements and allow them to appear interchangeably, without creating a type. They do something of the same thing that types and choice do, but can be extended elsewhere, for example when a schema is included.

We will not describe substitution groups here in any more detail, as in most cases the same function can be provided more straightforwardly by types and compositors, and their description complicates the descriptions of other elements by requiring details that are not otherwise needed.

The distinction between lexical and value spaces

Each type in XML Schema can be considered as a possibly infinite set of values of that type (the type's value space). Each type can also be considered as a possibly infinite set of strings representing the values of the type (the type's lexical space). Ordinarily there is no need to keep this distinction in mind. But for many types, a single value can be represented by more than one string; for example, a single xs:integer is represented by '1', '+1', and '01', and a single xs:normalizedString is represented by 'normalized string' and 'normalized  string'.

Restriction by a regular expression acts on the lexical space, not the value space. It is best to avoid deriving types by regular expression for which the two spaces are not one-to-one, as it makes confusion likely.

flip bgunflip