Thomas A. Alspaugh
Partitioning requirements
by their subject matter
Functional / non-functional
This is the most commonly-encountered partition.
Functional requirements (FRs)
express behaviors that a system is to deliver.
A functional requirement
is typically either satisfied
or not satisfied,
with nothing in between.
All other requirements are non-functional requirements (NFRs).
These include requirements related to the
(suitability, reliability, usability, interoperability,
verifiability, …).
Nonfunctional requirements are typically not either satisfied
or not satisfied, unlike functional requirements;
instead, they are satisfied to a greater or lesser degree.
Example: A system isn't typically either usable, or not usable,
but may be more usable or less usable
than some other system.
Provide safe, reliable, and quick transportation around campus
Print a receipt for every transaction
Be self-explanatory and easy to use .
Behavioral / developmental-quality
A slightly different partition
divides requirements into
behavioral requirements
or developmental quality requirements
(or requirements that are neither):
Behavioral requirements
characterize what a system's behavior is to be.
These requirements are satisfied (or not)
by what the system does when it runs.
Developmental quality requirements
characterize the process by which
a system is produced and evolved.
These requirements are satisfied (or not) by the actions of
the people responsible for producing a system.
Evolvability, understandability,
and testability are developmental quality goals;
but not usability, reliability, robustness,
which are non-functional but behavioral.
Turn out the lights when the room is unoccupied
Be thoroughly testable
so that customers will have a high level of confidence .
(developmental quality)
Functional/non-functional and behavioral/developmental-quality
don't quite divide requirements the same way.
Most notably,
there are nonfunctional requirements
(such as, perhaps, Cost less than $500 per copy
that are arguably neither
behavioral requirements (because they don't address the system's behavior)
nor developmental quality requirements
(because they don't characterize the development process).
There are arguably behavioral requirements (such as, perhaps,
Secretly provide access to internal program state
needed to make testing more effective
that are more closely related to a nonfunctional requirements
such as testability
than to any ordinary functional requirements.
It seems that
every developmental-quality requirement
would also be a non-functional requirement,
and any functional requirement would also be a behavioral requirement
(I have not come up with counterexamples, in any case).
Subdividing non-functional requirements
Nonfunctional requirements can be divided into
operationalizable and checkable NFRs
(and perhaps a third category
of neither operationalizable nor testable — this has not
been established yet)
- Operationalizable:
can be refined into a functional
requirement whose satisfaction implies the NFR's
Example: Security (an NFR), refined into
Confidentiality (also NFR) and then into
PIN-authenticated (functional).
- Checkable:
cannot be operationalized, but there can be a
functional requirement for a system component that can
check and verify whether the NFR is being satisfied.
Example: Performance (NFR), refined into Check
database workload
, refined into Monitor and report
number of queries answered per second
A goal is something
that is desired but
that might or might not be achieved,
on circumstances.
Goals are advantageous in several ways:
They express things
that often cannot be
complete achieved
(such as
high quality
or user friendliness
definitely established
(for example by testing),
that are nevertheless things the stakeholders care about.
They are useful for thinking about tradeoffs
of one thing for another.
They are at a higher level than other requirements.
They often refer to the system's stakeholders
and the context in which the system will operate,
rather than to the system itself.
They are usually more stable
than the system's proposed properties,
models over time,
and narratives;
they tend not to change.
A requirement is often assumed to be a property
that is expected to be true of the system:
The system shall ….
The traditional requirements document
is a thick book of such properties;
such requirements documents rarely have coffee stains.
Such requirements are explicit properties
that are expressed in isolation,
which means
that their intended context is implicit.
The property is specifically stated,
but the situation in
which it applies
and its significance in
that situation are not stated.
It is traditional to use the verb shall
for property requirements.
An example set of property requirements:
EMS requirements,
for a phone message system
used in industry to prototype and explore
potential new features.
Models over time
In this form,
the requirements
(as a group)
are the properties possessed by a model.
The system is supposed to behave like
the model.
a Statechart
or other finite state machine.
The desired system properties are left implicit
in this form of requirements.
It is not possible to distinguish
which properties of the model are essential properties of the system,
which are accidental properties of the particular model
that was chosen.
Models are most frequently used
to express behaviors that unfold over time.
If a model is formal,
its behaviors can be explored or verified
using software tools.
A narrative about the system
can express what is expected from it
in a particular situation.
Narratives have the advantage
of providing context and motivation,
and showing how different expectations are related to each other.
People are very good at expressing and understanding narratives,
and can pick up on a wide variety of implicit or hinted information
in a narrative.
Some kinds of narrative requirements are:
Unstructured text telling a story.
A use case,
in its original meaning
as a statement of a case (situation) in which a system will be used.
A UML use case,
or a narrative divided into steps
with a variety of possible relationships among the steps.
These relationships are often not understood
except by a use case's authors.
A timeline model (which is also of course a model),
in which the relationships among events
are graphically expressed by laying them out along timelines.
Regardless of the form in which requirements are expressed,
people seem to end up
telling, writing, and asking for
that motivate, explain, and illustrate
what the requirements say.
Tabular forms
organize requirements
(often property requirements)
into tables
that show how the individual requirements are related,
make it easier to find the requirement you are looking for,
and simplify checking the requirements for completeness.
The classic example of tabular requirements is the
(Software Cost Reduction) form.
Different people want different things from requirements.
The stakeholders want requirements as a way of asking
for what is needed,
and as a contract
that the developers are expected to fulfill.
Development managers want the requirements to set limits
on what is expected.
They use the requirements to estimate the cost,
and other resources needed to produce the required system.
Developers want the requirements
to tell them what they need to do.
They use the requirements to guide their work.
and testers
use the requirements to evaluate the development artifacts
as they are produced,
and to guide the creation of tests
for checking whether the implementation
(when it is completed)
will satisfy the stakeholders' expectations.
Maintainers use the requirements retrospectively
to help them understand the system
and what it should be doing.
Requirements come from many sources.
especially clients
and users,
are the most obvious source of requirements.
They provide requirements
that they hope will guide the developers to produce what the stakeholders need
and want.
The development organization typically has its own requirements,
most concerning developmental qualities
such as maintainability,
and understandability.
and regulators are another source of requirements.
At the present day,
for example,
health-care systems must meet strict requirements
that are imposed by HIIPA,
the federal law regulating privacy of healthcare information.
society as a whole is a source of some requirements,
for example
for ethical behavior or
for functions
or properties
that support the interests of society at large.
Stuart R. Faulk
Software requirements
: A tutorial
NRL Memorandum Report 5546-95-7775
Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC
Nov. 1995
[¶1 of text] Deciding precisely what to build and documenting the results is the goal of the requirements phase of software development
. Experience shows that requirements are the biggest software engineering problem for developers of large, complex systems
. The purpose of this tutorial is to help the reader understand why requirements are so difficult to do well, where the state of the art does and does not address current development problems, the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to requirements, and what help we can expect from ongoing technical developments
. Focus of the tutorial is on providing the reader with an understanding of the underlying issues in requirements analysis and specification. It describes the different facets of the requirements problem from the points of view of the many parties involved in system development including customers, contractors, management, regulators, and developers. It discusses the goals of the requirements phase and the problems that can arise in achieving those goals. It describes the characteristics of a disciplined software engineering process and how such a process helps address many of the problems in requirements. It compares a variety of published approaches relative to the goals of a disciplined process. Finally it examines technical trends, including recent work at the Naval Research Laboratory, and discusses where significant advances are likely in the future.
Lihua Xu, Hadar Ziv, Thomas A. Alspaugh, and Debra J. Richardson
An architectural pattern for non-functional dependability requirements
Journal of Systems and Software, 79(10):1370–1378,
Oct. 2006
We address the research question of transforming dependability requirements into corresponding software architecture constructs, by proposing first that dependability needs can be classified into three types of requirements and second, an architectural pattern that allows requirements engineers and architects to map the three types of dependability requirements into three corresponding types of architectural components. The proposed pattern is general enough to work with existing requirements techniques and existing software architectural styles, including enterprise and product-line architectures.